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Doctor Tarasenko

Stomatological Center of Doctor Tarasenko

Creating new image of the Stomatological center of Doctor Tarasenko, we had a challenge to elaborate the identity, that could differ among the usual images in the category – more intelligent, more friendly, demonstrating no pictures of happy people with snow-white Hollywood smiles, or scary pictures of the dental diseases.Shifting the images by words became the very logical solution. Typography as the key visual element allows to clearly demonstrate any problem associated with teeth as well as allows to show that solving of these problems is as easy as correcting the mistakes in text editor.
Doctor Tarasenko

Doctor Tarasenko

При создании нового имиджа стоматологического центра доктора Тарасенко, перед нами стояла задача сделать фирменный стиль, который бы отличался от Read More
